Episode 6: Stragglers in the Dust

By: May Miller

May Miller was a poet, playwright, and educator and the most widely published playwright of the Harlem Renaissance.  Miller made significant contributions to American theater through her insightful works that explored themes of race, identity, and social justice.  

One of the aspects of Miller's writing was her commitment to portraying African American life with depth and authenticity. At a time when mainstream representations often perpetuated harmful stereotypes, Miller's plays offered nuanced depictions of African American characters, their struggles, aspirations, and resilience. 

Moreover, Miller's impact extended beyond the stage and the written word. She was actively involved in promoting African American theater and fostering opportunities for African American playwrights and actors. Her advocacy helped pave the way for greater representation and recognition within the theater industry, challenging institutional barriers and advocating for diversity in artistic expression.

Most black playwrights of the time featured all-black casts, but Miller sometimes included white characters, such as in Stragglers in the Dust, while retaining her focus on the African-American experience.

Nan was played by Ty Daniels

Mac was played by Robert Wray

Lester Bradford was played by Sean Michael McCord

The Straggler was played by Alex Davis

Adapted and directed by Agnes Redvil

Sound design and recording by Lewis Reining

Narration and stage directions by Mandy Shuker

Executive Producer is Nathan Moore

Recorded at WTJU Studios


Series introduction: Daymaze by Blue Dot Sessions

Episode introduction and outro: Delanor by Blue Dot Sessions

Sound Effects:

Walking on gravel forest road.wav by Vendarro -- https://freesound.org/people/Vendarro/sounds/584320/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: excerpt; Slowed down, sped up

02012 gravel path walk.wav by Robinhood76 -- https://freesound.org/people/Robinhood76/sounds/103455/ -- License: Creative Commons Attribution NC 4.0 -- Modifications: excerpt

20130103_141218_oslofjord_colorfantasy_foghorn_stern.wav by hoersturz -- https://freesound.org/people/hoersturz/sounds/173978/ -- License: Creative Commons Attribution NC 4.0 -- Modifications: excerpt

Gravel road walk, .wav by rempen -- https://freesound.org/people/rempen/sounds/274832/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: excerpt; EQ, sped up, slowed down

Handling money 2 (bills).wav by contadordehi... -- https://freesound.org/people/contadordehistoriascast/sounds/407140/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: excerpt

03-Man walking gravel.wav by 14GPanskaHon... -- https://freesound.org/people/14GPanskaHonc_Petr/sounds/419164/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: excerpt

Horror/Creepy sound atmosphere ambience Stereo (Spectral) v2- 04 by bolkmar -- https://freesound.org/people/bolkmar/sounds/419310/ -- License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 -- Modifications: excerpt, slowed up

Brick Drop on Gravel 1.wav by dichardson -- https://freesound.org/people/dichardson/sounds/570961/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: EQ; slowed down

Crickets, Ambience, Nature, by JayWirth -- https://freesound.org/people/JayWirth/sounds/652791/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: excerpt

Body fall.wav by DylanTheFish -- https://freesound.org/people/DylanTheFish/sounds/417994/ -- License: Creative Commons 0 -- Modifications: excerpt