new takes on century-old works by forgotten women playwrights

“These playwrights are largely forgotten now, not owing to the quality of their work, but because the feminist themes they explored seemed of only passing interest to male-dominated producers, critics, and even audiences. However, these are lively, vibrant plays. They deserve to be rediscovered.”

Doug Grissom
UVA professor and Producer/Director for “She Wrote Plays”

“America is undergoing an audio storytelling resurgence, and podcasting has opened up audio storytelling to new creators pursuing new forms to reach new audiences. We’re excited to share the work of important women playwrights from a century ago – and their themes that still resonate today.”

Nathan Moore
WTJU General Manager and Executive Producer for “She Wrote Plays”

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Icons courtesy of Nathan Gathright

The Playwrights:

Mary Burrill
1881 - 1946

Featured Works:
They That Sit in Darkness

Susan Glaspell
1876 - 1948

Featured Works:
Woman’s Honor, Close the Book

Alice Gerstenberg
1885 - 1972

Featured Works: Overtones, Fourteen, He Said and She Said

May Miller
1899 - 1995

Featured Works:
Stragglers in the Dust

Rachel Crothers
1870 - 1958

Featured Works:
He and She